Wednesday, October 10, 2012

College: First day as the Freshmeat


That was the first thing I saw when my sister woke me up to get ready for College. The term seemed to echo in my head like crazy. I laid there and thought to myself.

"Could this really be happening ? Am I really going to start college today?"

I was excited,nervous, and scared all at the same time. Was this even normal to feel? I mean what is this going to be like? Life changing? Torture? I started to freak out more and more as I got ready for what seemed like it was going to be a long day.

My dad dropped me off at school that morning asking me over and over again if I was excited. I didn't even say a word that morning I was thinking too much about how lonely I would be once I got there. Finally, I arrived at what seems to be Southwestern College.

 I looked at my phone and I was an hour early before my first class started. I went around looking for my classroom, luckily remembering to get a map a week before school started in case I get lost. I was relieve how close my classroom was from where my dad has dropped me off. After that, I went on a little stroll to find a place to sit so I can wait until class started.


Time seemed to move by so quickly after sitting there nervously while texting my friend from Vegas how much I wish he was here to calm me down. I slowly got up and walked to class. Our professor came, little was I confuse why there was two of them entering the class. I walked into the classroom and sat at the very first row of the room. And I thought to myself.

"Are you dumb? Everyone is going to stare down at you now that you're in the front."

"It's okay Diane, maybe you don't have to say a thing."

I felt so lonely, few people knew each other and there was a few of us who were sitting there like zombies.

The professor both introduce themselves and talked about the Bayan Community we all signed up for. After a few introductions, we were told that we were to connect with everyone else in the classroom. I was scared. Scared because maybe no one would even talk to me or say hi at least. But I was wrong, I was lucky enough to meet Karina and Louise the very first day. They gladly smiled and talked to me as if we weren't really much of a stranger to each other.

By the end of the day, I was bummed that this was the only class I had that day, yet I felt really confidential that the next day I would be able to lighten up more and say hi to a new person in class.
College gives you the craziness of mixed emtionals an thoughts especailly when you're a freshmen in college, but overall it's something you would want to try as something new, espeically when college is nothing like highschool.


  1. I felt the same exact way when it was the first day of college. I didnt know what to expect and I was really scared. I kept thinking that people wouldnt talk to me or that I would look to little to be in college. But it was way different then I thought. All the people were really nice and it is pretty fun.

    1. I honestly felt I was going to pass out the first day. I was lonely because none of my friends had similar classes as I did, I was freshmen all over again expect in college, and I registered really late so SWC was my only hope. But same as you expected everyone was friendly, the professor were so heart warming and the environment was really friendly :).
