Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Filipino Food

Filipino food, Mexican food, Italian food, Chinese food, food. The thoughts in your mind of all the different types of culture food out there. Good, sweet, savoring food. Man isn't it nice? The taste of it, the way your mouth waters when you smell and crave it. It's like we can all die happy with the thought of these to-die-for food.

But does the look ever disturb you?

"Why is there a roasted pig laying on the table?!"

"Chocolate meat...wait what?"

"OHMYGOD...chicken feet?"

Lechon Baboy
Yeah, so I have a few friends who look at Filipino food as bizarre, but to me and to a couple other Filipinos it just mm mm goodness! I mean come on now, I get it you're not used to see a pig laying on the table as part of the food being serve. But that's how we Filipino's feast at special occasions. Lechon Baboy, it's just roasted pork. You dip it in sauce called lechon sauce and serve it with rice, man it is just so damn good. You should try it, before you even assume it isn't good at all.


Chocolate meat?Oh you know beef, pork, chicken all dipped in milk chocolate just like strawberries...NO. We call this dinuguan. I am not a fan of dinuguan due to the fact I couldn't face what it was really made of, and if you know what dinuguan really means then you will most definitely be disgusted by the English translation of it. Well dinuguan is pork blood stew. It's not red when they prepare it, but it got the name chocolate meat because of the way it looked like meat floating in some kind of chocolate. But the last time I remember having it, it was sarap (delicious) Not that I eat it anymore, but if you're willing to, you should try it at the local Filipino food places such as Tita's Kitchen, Conching, or Goldilocks.

I know some of our cultural food might be funny looking, but if you were to see halo-halo (ha/low-ha/low) man you would be in heaven by now.

I may not love all the type of Filipino food we have, but we do have food that may be bizarre to other people not familiar with the Filipino food types. I too, am unfamiliar with other culture food such as Indian and Thai food, but I always love to try something new. You just got to be careful with what you try, it may not be too good and upset your stomach.

Next thing you know, you'll be having a date with the toilet ..if you know what I mean.


  1. "the way your mouth waters when you smell and crave it." Looking at the pictures too, man! You made me hungry for some food!!

    what is "lechon sauce" made out of?

    Where can i find " Tita's Kitchen, Conching, or Goldilocks?"

    "Next think you know, you'll be having a date with the toilet ..if you know what I mean."
    Thanks for makeing me laugh out loud! People are giving me weird looks! xD

    1. I know I couldn't resist how hungry I got after posting the pictures of the food haha x)

      Lechon sauce is made our of ground liver or liver pâté, vinegar, sugar, and spices. A sweet, tangy light-brown sauce. You really can't tell it's made of liver but when you taste it, it's just so good. Oddly I used it to dip spam musubi when I get the chance. It's also called All Purpose sauce, but mainly it's good with lechon (pork) when it's roasted :)

      Tita's Kitchen, Conching, and Goldilocks it all located in National City and National City has ton of Filipino food places including Jollibee,Chowking and so on. But you can always go to the seafood in Otay where they have Filipino food places as well. There's also one across school called MJ's yogurt deli right next to tea zone where they sell things called longonisa fries, which is sweet Filipino sausage with fries and other seasoning or sisig fries which can be either pork chicken or spam. They can also make it as a burrito! It's amazing, maybe I can introduce it to you one day have a little lunch together and try it out :)

      I'm glad that made you laugh! I thought no one would get it, but it really happens when my stomach gets upset with what I eat x)

    2. there's another one next/close to jack in the box in front of the campus. idk what's it called but they sell filipino food there like lumpia etc.

      ahhh that made me laugh too haha. im pretty sure there would be chocolates in your date, if you know what i mean. LOL kiddin xD

    3. @Mac: oh yeah! there is one by jack in the box, totally forgot xD.

      LOL omg

  2. I like trying new foods sometimes, because it's always best to expand our knowledge in foods, haha.
    Though I've never heard of these types of foods before! Some of these Filipino foods do seem really tasty (especially the Halo-Halo); hopefully I'll be able to try some of the foods eventually c:

    I'm craving pork at midnight thanks to this post XD

    And I just LOVE the last sentence!

    1. Same goes for me! I've recently tried Thai food it was so good, I could never imagine not going back again! We should all take a lunch trip to one of the Filipino food stores right across from school! Everyone will understand that one date they have with the toilet when it comes x3!
